Surge of Power: Revenge of the Sequel (2016)
90 minuten

Surge of Power: Revenge of the Sequel
Surge of Power: Revenge of the Sequel
Kinostart: 08.09.2016 (Weltpremiere)
Regie: Antonio Lexerot, Vincent J. Roth
Drehbuch: Antonio Lexerot, Vincent J. Roth
Darsteller: Tony Arias, Karan Ashley, Tiffany Marie Austin, Detria Qtpye Baker, George Balgan, Little Bear, Linda Blair, Rita Bliss, Nicholas Brendon, Jordan Bringhurst, Reb Brown, Ashley Erin Campbell, Joshua Carlson, Johnathan D. Carter, Jorge Celis
Drehort: USA

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Filme mit Darsteller
Little Bear | Linda Blair | Nicholas Brendon
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